We are fundraising for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
We're taking part in the Do it 4 Youth 120 Mile Challenge this March to raise vital funds for The Duke of Edinburgh's Award charity. All the money raised help to transform the lives of young people providing opportunities for them to take part in the life-changing Awards who might not have had the opportunity. Please support us by sponsoring our team if you can. Thank you.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Uncle Michael

Neil And Caroline
Cas and myself, forever back you. Xx

Ali Mitchell
Go guys

Ali Mitchell

Lisa Harrison

Mike Poyser
Good luck xx I got my silver

Go girl ✌️


Rebekah Hall
Smash it pal

Jonny Riley
Remember - “Pain is weakness leaving the body”

Vicki And Gareth Ainsworth
What s great thing to do for charity. Good luck to you and your team x

Andrew Higgins

Joseph Mitchell
Good luck to all

Larry & Sandra

Caroline Hamer
Go smash it gorgeous girl!

Mike Afvbc Macclesfield

Allison And Michael Poyser
Just do your best Tyla Jean and enjoy it

Derek Hall
Well done James

Good luck Edward, DofE is an amazing experience x

Suzanne Lowey-prince

Lynda Allis
Good luck with this Vivi ! You can do it xx

Robert Allis
Well done Vivi xx

Stewart & Mark

Geoff Collins
Go get em lad.

Ann Bothamley
Well Done Edward xxxx

Pilar Sanchez Lopez

Jennie Scollick
Good luck James x

Moz, Vic, Niamh And Sam
What an amazing experience!! You will smash it.

Megan Mitchell

Sal Poyser
Good luck Tyla, sure you’ll smash it!!

Mike Kelly


Fiona H Xx
Go Megs, so super proud of the young person you have become-you are an absolute credit to yourself (and your parents) -love you to the blue moon and back xxx feeauntyona xxx

Gareth Roberts

Lisa Gosling

Julie Herbert
Good luck James

What an amazing thing to do Edward, good Luck x

Bren Dickens
You've got this Ethan!

Uncle Steve And Aunty Lorraine
Well done for doing it Sienna, good luck

Liz Wong

Marco Trestini
Baie geluk Antony!

Callum Poyser

Charlie Moylan
Good luck meggy xxx

Boris Johnson
Go get’em kidda!

Kathryn Mcglade
Nice one Vivi !Good Luck xx

Paige Hanvey

Mark Hall

Mark Riley
Go for it Sienna x

Rebecca Zhang

Jean Herbert

Mark Eeles
Good luck Megan from the REME…

Darren James Herbert
Good on ya x

James Poyser
Smash it! 😎

Lauren Simcox
Good Luck James

Awesome charity :) Good luck!! <3

Ben & Leah
Best of luck!

Lesley Davies
Go girl. Lots of live Aunty Lesley. Xx

Sgt Davidson
Go boss!! hehehe :-)

Shirley Turner
Wishing you an incredible experience!! One step at a time 💪🏽

Sophie Doran
Well done!

Ruth And Matt
Good luck Zak!

Joe Hill
Good luck Edward. Just keep following your dad to the pub and you’ll get your miles in easy

Lucy Mcevoy
Well done James

Jo Daly
Go Megs, we love you. Jo and Michael xx

B White
You’ve got this!

Mark White

Isobel Moss

Jamie-leigh Sabin-staines
Lots of love from your fave cus xxx

Jessica Garland-smith












Charlotte Sturley

Sienna Riley

Sienna Riley

Sienna Riley

Sienna Riley

Our Team Members

Amie Hartshorn

Lucy Goulding

Megan Mitchell

Tyla Herbert

Mohammed Fareeda

James Hall

Zak Harrison

Rebecca Zhang

Shane Gosling

Joshua Shuttleworth

Harold Pradish

Oliver Rowson

Luis Jimenez Sanchez

Jensen Hulme

Vivienne Lowey

Sienna Riley

Edward Barnes

Ethan Kirk

Riley Evans

Annie Gupp-Nash

Payton Hayward

Antony Kirk

Thea Gosling

Oliver Lawton

Jared Mellor

Good Luck Zak!