Lauren Hart

Do It 4 Youth 120 mile Challenge

My Activity Tracking


My target 120 mi

DofE Needs Our Support!

I'm taking part in the DofE Do it 4 Youth Challenge walking and/or running (!) and cycling 120 miles throughout March, raising vital funds for the DofE charity so that more young people facing financial barriers can access the life-changing Awards programme and transform their lives.  

As a Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award holder myself, and also as a school Leader, I know the value that the Award adds to young people and their development. Financial hardship should not prevent young people from bettering themselves and creating memories that will last forever. 

Please add to my motivation and consider chucking a couple of quid in if you can. 

My Updates

Day 16 - Done!

Sunday 16th Mar
Today was the definition of not wanting to - but doing it anyway. I'm super tired. Looking at my calendar I've realised I'm due my B12 injection on Friday so I shouldn't be surprised or top annoyed with myself for feeling sluggish. Now up to 67 miles... I'm changing my goal to 120 miles. I'm half way through the month and I've remained committed and I think I can make the full distance now. And I'll finally share the fundraising link tonight... Plans for the week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday are gym days.

Day 15 - Done!

Saturday 15th Mar
So I took a few days off cos the Brain Weasels weren't being kind and made me feel tired and rubbish about everything. BUT! I got up early today to drop Rich off as he's megagame control today so I was in the gym by 08:15, snagged a bike, and that was it. There was a treadmill available this morning but I needed to make some miles up due to the missed days... It was a difficult session today and I had to take a 30 second pause. I told myself I could quit at 15km if I wanted to but then I had some texts from Tom and that managed to distract me enough that 15km came and went and by the time I was paying attention again I had about 15min left on the clock so figured I ought to push to the end. So snagged 23.12km before 09:30 and now I can go about and do all the other stuff I need to do today without worrying about when to fit the gym in! Overall tracker says I'm at 58miles... That 120 goal is getting louder and louder.

Day 11 - Done!

Tuesday 11th Mar
Something is better than nothing! Short and sweet sub-30min 5 miles this evening. Hoping to do the full hour tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday! 💜 Keep on keeping on!

Day 9 - Done!

Sunday 9th Mar
I felt guilty for not hitting the gym yesterday so told myself I HAD to go today AND that I HAD to cycle to bank some distance. Anything I said about the bike on Friday was a lie! 😅😂 I am SORE and I am sweating and I am gross but I am so GD proud of myself right now. I cleared 21.35km today! That's another 13.26 miles in the bag and on the counter. Apparently I've registered 39 miles so far this month. That's crazy to me considering I haven't been in a gym for like 2 and a bit years now? Heading home to get a shower and then I'm just going to exist for a while 😂

Day 7 - Done!

Friday 7th Mar
Straight to the gym after work. It was busy, as expected, so I had to get on the bike. The bike is only good for distance but I got a decent burn as well given I only did half an hour. 11.31km and 253 cal. Now to relax with pizza and Avowed. Happy Friyay indeed 💜

Day 5 - Done!

Wednesday 5th Mar
Yeah, Day 4 didn't happen... I got some timings mixed up and couldn't get to the gym. But for back on track today and ticked off another 6.18km / 3.84mi Feeling pretty good that I didn't let one day derail me completely. Hubblet got me some running socks and omgggg they make such a difference! My feet aren't sore at all, not even my heels 😍 Tomorrow is a planned day of no activity but back to it on Friday and into the weekend.

Day 3 - Done Did It!

Monday 3rd Mar
Gym was busy when I went today and all the treadmills were taken. Uh oh, now what? I didn't plan for this... So I told myself I'd do 10km on the bike and then get a treadmill later, they'd surely be free then... Right? Wrong! But that's another 11.17km to the total bringing me to 23.78km across the three days. I had planned to walk/run the whole thing but a weekly cycle might be good too, it puts the pressure on different parts of the body so I don't feel the same pain tonight! Heavy and doing it anyway! 🤘💜

Day 2 - Done!

Sunday 2nd Mar
Shorter distance today, really pushing yesterday followed by sitting in a weird position with my laptop for 6 hours meant I was feeling headachey and pained. Back of my left foot is hurting so think the blister has come through properly now, I'll have to pop a compeed on for tomorrow. But - it's not all doom and gloom. I came out, I set my playlist, I pushed through to complete the hour even though I wanted to stop a few times. Resilience is a key part of the Award and is something I have an abundance of (if I wanted to praise myself!). 2 days down, I'll decide ready for Day 8 whether I'm sticking to my original 100 mile goal or if I'm going to push for the 120.

Day 1 - Done!

Saturday 1st Mar
I need to work on speed as treadmills turn off after an hour! So I had to do it in two parts (with like a ten seconds break to reset the machine and finish the last KM) I feel it in my hammies but looking forward to going in tomorrow.

Today's The Day

Saturday 1st Mar
It's 1st March. I've got my playlist ready, I've charged my headphones, and I've got my gym membership. 

I set myself the 100 mile goal because 120 seemed way too much. But I also have a schedule designed that could meet the 120 mile goal. We'll see how the first few days go and then amend which goal we're heading towards. 

I'll be in the gym every single day except for the last Saturday of the month... Which is quite the commitment! 

Now - to go get ready and get going! 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Lauren Hart

Fundraising Regulator badge with validation link

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