[15:28] Sarah Steer

Michelle Owen

DofE Wing Walk Challenge 2024

DofE Wing Walk 2024

I'm taking on the challenge of a lifetime and wing walking to raise money for young people to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.  As many of you know, I have been a passionate supporter of the DofE for many years, and the incredible work they do transforming the lives of young people.  Over half a million young people are currently doing their award, contributing over 3.5 million volunteering hours back to their communities.  Many of the young people are facing marginalisation with 15% experiencing poverty, over 25% from ethnic minority backgrounds and a further 7% with additional needs, with participants across all types of schools, community organisations, young offenders institutes and prisons.  The Award fosters resilience, self-belief, community, team work and adventure - experiences that can set you up for life.  Please sponsor me to help me reach my target so that the DofE charity can reach even more young people.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Michelle Owen


Julie Walsh

Good Luck and try to enjoy 😳



Good luck Michelle!

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