[15:28] Sarah Steer

Help transform the lives of young people

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Today's world is facing unprecedented challenge and change

The effects of COVID-19 have been sudden and will be felt far and wide for many years to come. And for the UK’s young people, this pandemic not only affects their lives now, but will impact fundamentally the world they will inherit.

About Dofe

DofE Benefits

We want every young person in the UK to get the benefit of a DofE programme as they transition to their new world

To improve their mental and
physical health

To increase their job prospects

To help them play an active role in restoring their communities

Transform the lives of young people

We want those young people who face barriers to not get left behind, to use the DofE as a scaffold to enhance their skills and level the playing field. With more than 60 years’ experience helping young people transform their worlds, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is more relevant than ever – and ready to help.

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